Honor and integrity are very important in life. Adult ads in Albany, GA. Sexy ads for couples

Name: Buck2772 Type: A few extra pounds Height: 5' 2" Age: 32 Marital Status: Single Hair: Red City: Albany, Georgia

I'm free most evenings.
62 year old "little guy" here (5'4 & 150lbs). I also love sports. We are looking for couples that like to add a third in one way or another.
Name: brandisekerley1961 Type: Heavyset Height: 5' 8" Age: 59 Marital Status: Divorced Hair: Red City: Albany, Georgia

Hey I have a massive cock, if you want to try it out and have some amazing sex while we're at it! I am looking for a sexy, open minded woman who is not afraid to show or tell how she feels. Descretion is a must. I'm someone who doesn't like socializing much, though when my switch is turned on I become more social and won't stop until I achieve my goal of getting you on my bed.

I do not enjoy one night playdates, so if that is what you're looking for, please don't waste mine and your time, and just move on. Nasty good pussy cuming.
Name: OdiliaWildes Type: A few extra pounds Height: 5' 1" Age: 30 Marital Status: Married Hair: Chestnut City: Albany, Georgia

Public meet before play date. We have each other, and we can just be happy with that..on the other hand we are here for a in Albany, GA sexual escapade am I someone you would like to know hit me up.
See big pussy!

There are always exceptions of course, but my ideal woman would be between 35-50, tall, sarcastic, and have a great experience.

Name: Kyperv Type: Heavyset Height: 5' 8" Age: 34 Marital Status: Married Hair: Chestnut City: Albany, Georgia

So just to be clear - I'm a crossdresser, NOT trans or passable, I find PH, tights and certain types of women's clothing very sexually arousing and I do prefer that my female partner wear these fetish items, especially during sex.

Although I don't participate in sports, I enjoy watching most sports and getting back into learning golf. My friends would say I have a Albany, GA more shy personality at first but I open up fairly quickly.

I am willing to travel and can host.
Name: lacieBenham Type: Heavyset Height: 5' 2" Age: 39 Marital Status: Married Hair: Blonde City: Albany, Georgia

New to the area and just looking for in Albany, GA some drama-free sex. People who ready join. Female (33) Big chest/ athletic build with 4 years experience with one partner.
Name: OntDJItb2OA7kIh Type: Slender Height: 5' 2" Age: 25 Marital Status: Divorced Hair: Brown City: Albany, Georgia

A sassy seductress and diversely skilled Mistress, I elicit a thrill from enticing My sissies & slaves into shameless submission and enjoy indulging My sadistic streak. Looking for a casual encounter with a lovely curvy woman in my area or in a different area. Fun and flirty a bit shy at first. Sex in Southport, NC. Some scars as well with many tales, but nothing ghastly ;).
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