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Name: HDW1969 Type: Heavyset Height: 5' 0" Age: 25 Marital Status: Married Hair: Auburn City: Broken Arrow, Oklahoma

43 divorced out of the social seen for way to long ready to start living and see whats out there. Hi, I'm Snorri, a big strong viking guy , I'm here looking to maybe makes new friends or even find someone to get naughty with, maybe have relationship.
I'm straight but the right situation might make me curious! I'm 36 years old from Denmark but lives in a small town in the Waikato., I'm looking for a woman to join us for a threesome, never done it before, but both very interested in giving it a go and maybe it will end up being an on going thing.
Name: Wawamascot Type: Slender Height: 5' 1" Age: 45 Marital Status: Divorced Hair: Blonde City: Broken Arrow, Oklahoma

Hosting bi dom top love playing in the klouds. Kinks I'm interested in exploring: Chastity, Cuckold, Femdom, Humiliation, Pegging, and Pussy-worship. I'm looking for a mature woman who wouldn't mind spending some time trying the local tacos, wine or whiskey.

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Looking for you!
Name: redmarcantonio452 Type: A few extra pounds Height: 5' 6" Age: 28 Marital Status: No Strings Attached Hair: Black City: Broken Arrow, Oklahoma

I'm looking for NSA fun in a healthy way.

I'm a quiet, shy, loyal, per & always the big softy. Age doesn't matter either.

Always dream big!! I love to give praise and I'm up for anything, really pretty much anything.
Name: Kamihinrichs1969 Type: Athletic Height: 5' 1" Age: 33 Marital Status: Divorced Hair: Black City: Broken Arrow, Oklahoma

Smartass big hearted (among other big things about me lmao) tomboy lives outdoors and gettn dirty.stubborn Irish Italian I dnt have a filter so my minds stays pretty much in the guter.what I'm lookn for us a strong man that isn't afraid of a challenge but has a romantic side someone who's real and knows how to treat a lady.

I'm not looking for complicated, drama, strings attached etc. I.would like it to be ongoing.

Name: LidgeYurish Type: Slender Height: 5' 8" Age: 53 Marital Status: No Strings Attached Hair: Chestnut City: Broken Arrow, Oklahoma

Looking to start out with something casual no strings attached. Disrespect me and I will ignore you.

Name: LutherLambertson349 Type: Average Height: 5' 6" Age: 35 Marital Status: Married Hair: Auburn City: Broken Arrow, Oklahoma

Maybe you'll find the same thing when we talk? I thinks it bull that people can look at my profile by when I click on there's it doesn't come up. I call it my mom body. Whatever that might look like- getting coffee or taking a walk and discovering if there is a spark between us.

Dont be shy, feel free, this is our happy place. Clean and safe please.

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