Drama free man looking to meet fun people. Maine swingers clubs. Daily motion swingers sex

Name: Macca1410 Type: Athletic Height: 5' 3" Age: 22 Marital Status: No Strings Attached Hair: Black City: Newry, Maine

Someone who understands that I am not available Maine at your beck and call..PLEASE be a Single STRAIGHT MAN who is local to MA/RI/CT/NH aka New England...and PS, I mean it when stating you need to be as well. 30 year old white and native mix tall 6'4 slim 180. Swinging in Memphis, TN.
Name: wendiemudano980 Type: Heavyset Height: 5' 5" Age: 29 Marital Status: Single Hair: Grey City: Perry, Maine

Only looking for single females, hotwife couples or cuckold couples. We like to go to Museums and traveling around our state. So we must be doing something right, Never any pressure or drama. I am 420 friendly and very respectful to all people that I meet. Nake d BBW. Looking for a real woman, someone open, not uptight, maybe you like massage, you are sensual and tactile.
Name: Diannemilbert991 Type: Heavyset Height: 5' 4" Age: 42 Marital Status: Separated Hair: Red City: Portland, Maine

I like to read and garden, play cards and board games. Native birds. And the most fun you will ever have ;).

I am a single dad, work hard. Ready and willing to be educated in the art of kink by a knowledgeable Mistress.

Name: majorKover1960 Type: Slender Height: 5' 3" Age: 21 Marital Status: Single Hair: Black City: New Harbor, Maine

Not looking for anything serious, but if it happens, great!
Slim slender medium petite, I love all builds. I want that one person that's only fucking me!!! I love chivalry!
I will show appreciation and add value to my papi. I can and know how to love.
Name: manusniemiel Type: Average Height: 5' 0" Age: 40 Marital Status: Married Hair: Black City: Lewiston, Maine

This person would be willing to take the time to get to know you. I'm an intelligent gentleman very clean and disease free I'm 420 friendly but am okay if you are not other than that am drug free. Lets go out with u and ur friends. I am also very keen on the taste of a woman - I love to give flowers to lovely ladies specially matures I don't mind younger but damn mature woman that know how to raise their ass. Been married for over 10 years. I'm just another human being trying to be good in this world!!!!!
Name: Jdub1033 Type: Slender Height: 5' 1" Age: 30 Marital Status: Married Hair: Grey City: York Harbor, Maine

It sure sounded like it needed oil. Horny college girl athletes.
I create custom content for all of your Megan Fox toe thumb and sexual desires, I dont show my face but would love to transition to fwbs or a relationship. But I like to leave some intrigue but basically: 6 foot and 200.
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