STD free and can host in a nice hotel if planned in 24 hours. Millersburg, Ohio swingers. Sexy housewives like to change partners

Name: Shayne101234 Type: Heavyset Height: 5' 3" Age: 29 Marital Status: No Strings Attached Hair: Blonde City: Millersburg, Ohio

You ask and I will do it, we can both benefit. In getting out of a long, unhealthy relationship, I am so excited to meet new people we are new to this site.
Girls pussy lmase. I grew up in the USA and spent a vast amount of time in Grenada and Barbados. I can be respectful, and I can move from the heart.
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Name: Wisco1970 Type: Athletic Height: 5' 5" Age: 24 Marital Status: Divorced Hair: Brown City: Millersburg, Ohio

Just a single Father looking for someone to cuddle and give affection to <3. Also a guilty conscience.

Name: Pasqualnighbor Type: Average Height: 5' 1" Age: 54 Marital Status: Married Hair: Black City: Millersburg, Ohio

We are a fun, open, easy going couple that enjoys chatting to others. Im in my 40s i love to cook,hike,fish,camp,hang out with frends and family,but most of all i love to fuck. Kinky minded no judgmental open to toy play 3sums 1 on 1. I'm very vanilla but willing.

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I was always taught never to knock it if your not going to try it something I don't do is anal but everything Ohio swingers else is game.
Name: JRocket2851999 Type: Athletic Height: 5' 5" Age: 31 Marital Status: No Strings Attached Hair: Grey City: Millersburg, Ohio

Looking for a little relief, no strings attached casual fun. I'm a sucker for aggressive women. I love people of all races/ages/ethnicities. I am easygoing and try to live a healthy lifestyle.

I'll update as I think of more. Fwb/one night stand.

Name: siouxieHandzlik Type: Heavyset Height: 5' 3" Age: 49 Marital Status: Separated Hair: Auburn City: Millersburg, Ohio

Dad bod or athletic i'm not picky both turn me on. Master at using my hands.

Naked navjo women. End of discussion. And your pleasure is my pleasure. I'm a very hard worker and need someone who's either retired or over 50 years old.

I appreciate those that have tried.
Name: Breanawheaton1984 Type: Slender Height: 5' 8" Age: 36 Marital Status: Single Hair: Auburn City: Millersburg, Ohio

Life is about taking chances; about doing something everyone said you couldn't do; it's about acting goofy; it's about not caring what other people think; it's about learning to love what you have! UPDATE, I found an amazing guy, now mainly looking for women or couples that are down to earth and friendly. Someone who is confident and funny, I'm not a full member, so IM me. I am educated and seen world a lot and can hold conversation with my knowledge and experience. Somebody who is willing to have a good time and make someone feel good all over!
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