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Name: justvicky4now Type: Heavyset Height: 5' 2" Age: 46 Marital Status: No Strings Attached Hair: Brown City: Melbourne, Florida

Last time I checked this was America, so you do you. *MUST LUV BIG GIRLS* Condoms only, be freshly showered (can't believe I have to say that), Kind, considerate, handsome, younger, NOT MARRIED, intelligent, muscular, respectful, not bi or curious, not vulgar. I am a single, grounded, nice, very friendly and fun guy, looking to pleasure, here to please and tease. I'm looking for someone who shares these values and is ready to be lead astray in the nicest possible way!
Name: bottomswitchsub Type: Heavyset Height: 5' 5" Age: 36 Marital Status: Divorced Hair: Grey City: Melbourne, Florida

When it comes to meeting couples I only play with the Male and the interaction with the Female is to be minimal..Before you message me please know....
I am a bottom looking for a top. I'm a easy going, no drama, no stress kind of chick looking for an attractive, no strings attached guy to quench this thirst.
Mom nude pusst. I wanna save up for things i want go out and do varied activities.
Name: Clanekobayashi Type: Heavyset Height: 5' 6" Age: 21 Marital Status: Single Hair: Auburn City: Melbourne, Florida

Sex is best if everyone is enjoying it. Free nude girls Des Moines, Iowa fucking. If I can't find love, I'll settle for a good time ;). It just makes for a more enjoyable time when it's bald or shaved very well.

Would like someone who is open Melbourne, Florida and easy to talk to.
Name: moh9426 Type: Heavyset Height: 5' 1" Age: 47 Marital Status: Single Hair: Brown City: Melbourne, Florida

If it leads to more, then great!
I am a standard member. Educated at some of the top engineering and management institutes in Cambridge and India. Down to earth guy here just looking for that escape.
Name: reiderhobbs1978 Type: Athletic Height: 5' 9" Age: 29 Marital Status: Married Hair: Chestnut City: Melbourne, Florida

Married, look for fun on the side, I know it may not be everyone's cup of tea, but everyone has a thing that gets them going and cheating is one of mine. Gngbang my wife type. My ideal person would be down to earth, and discreet.
I am into ts/tg and feminine tv of any race or colour for mutual adult pleasures. I am looking to chat with people and have fun, nothing serious feel free to message me and ask if you want to know more come and ask?
So, this is about fucking.From experience..
Name: Slutbunny777 Type: Slender Height: 5' 6" Age: 44 Marital Status: Divorced Hair: Auburn City: Melbourne, Florida

Looking for some good fun and who knows where that could lead to. Easy going and whom also like to Melbourne, Florida enjoy life like I do we are only here the once and I want to have fun. Horny girls from Olney, TX.
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