Not looking for hard feelings or a relationship. Ads of women who will fuck for money

Name: mattyPresley818 Type: A few extra pounds Height: 5' 6" Age: 41 Marital Status: Separated Hair: Chestnut City: Totowa, New Jersey

Looking for new friends and friends with benefits that aren't afraid to have a little fun to. Hi every people im a good person.i think so.wish happiness to everyone. If you like politics, I am pro-life and pro-family. Used to be on here years ago. Seeking a 35-50 yo, single, Caucasian, born male, who is professional, polite, well-spoken, well groomed, can host (hotels also work), has a strong sexual appetite and likes to just have fun in general as well like to go out but work a lot, looking for on going partner.
Name: Tyraplear Type: Slender Height: 5' 8" Age: 41 Marital Status: Married Hair: Black City: Round Rock, Texas

I feel I should start off with I'm a smoker. Never shy open for most an looking for fwb. Smart, funny, curvy. NOT A PAID MEMBER.

If you have any questions - ask! Masturbating men masturbating for camera. I enjoy clubbing (although I don't profess to being a George Clooney or Brad Pitt lookalike but at the same time be wild!

Name: suzyvassie Type: Average Height: 5' 7" Age: 44 Marital Status: Separated Hair: Chestnut City: Clara, Mississippi

Waiting to meet you if interested in a fun date let's get together and have some fun. What I love is an occasional sex with you ! Except durning fun time you can be demanding lol.
Name: angelineDahlgren Type: Average Height: 5' 1" Age: 26 Marital Status: Married Hair: Grey City: Neguac, New Brunswick

I'm married but looking.
I'm Tim, a geek who spends most of his time gaming and reading. Tall Love being a dom Double Ds Juicy ass. My ideal FWB is 59 or older; younger than this I won't respond.
Name: njsensualfun Type: Heavyset Height: 5' 9" Age: 41 Marital Status: Single Hair: Auburn City: Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Age is less important than a guy that is masculine with a positive outlook and a good sense of humor.

Im Andrea if you know me from any other platforms I go by Phoenix (26). Someone who likes to take a gal out for drinks on the town, set the mood.

Interested in exploring a the fun 3 people can have in bi mmf fun.
Name: Horny69sum Type: A few extra pounds Height: 5' 1" Age: 43 Marital Status: Divorced Hair: Red City: Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Im always down for hanging out or whatever really laid back and must love a lot of freaky sex if this is you and you want to know anything just ask. Let's make every day a new chapter in my life that is exciting and a different challenge from what it used to be. I am someone with a great sense of humor, and am well-traveled and well-educated.
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